Water keeps us alive.
Every living thing needs water.
More than half of your body is water.
Food that we eat has water in it.
Water helps digest food.
Water washes wastes out of the body.
We cannot survive without water. © Getty Images
People cannot survive for more than a few days without water. About 65 percent of your body is water. Blood is about 95% water, the brain is about 75% water, and the skin is about 80%.
Why your body needs water.
Water is a part of blood that delivers oxygen and nutrients (food) to different parts of the body.
It help us digest food.
It removes toxins and waste from the body.
It keeps your body cool through perspiration or sweat.
It keeps joints, such as knees and elbows, moving freely.
It acts like a cushion between organs and protects them.
It keeps every cell in your body working properly.
Drink plenty of water every day The food you eat contains some water, but to make sure your body gets enough water, you should drink about 6 – 8 glasses of water every day. ©Getty Images
You lose water each day through perspiration, through the workings of the kidneys and the bladder (when you pee), in bowel movements and even when you breathe. So it is important that you drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially when you feel thirsty and when you have been working or playing hard. 6-8 glasses a day is good!
Remember, any fluid you drink will contain water as do the fruits and vegetables that you eat. Water and milk are probably the best things to drink. Fizzy drinks have water in them, but there is a lot of sugar there too, and too much sugar is bad for your health.
What If You Stopped Drinking Water?
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