The aim of the game is to send the ball over the net so that the opposing team cannot return the ball or prevent it from hitting the ground in their court.

The server sends the ball over the net © Getty Images

The server sends the ball over the net © Getty Images

To start the game, one player on the serving team hits the ball with his or her hand to send it over the net. The net is about 2 metres high.

Players use their hands to hit the ball back and forth over the net, keeping the ball in the air. They try to hit it so that the other team cannot hit it back.

Volleyball can be played indoors, outdoors and on a beach. © Getty Images

Volleyball can be played indoors, outdoors and on a beach. © Getty Images

Only the serving team scores points. The team gets points when the ball hits the floor on the other team's side, or when the other team hit the ball three times before it gets over the net.

When the serving team does not score a point, the other team becomes the serving team. 

Beach Volleyball

Beach volleyball©Getty

Beach volleyball©Getty

Beach Volleyball is almost the same as volleyball. A match is played by two teams, but there are only two players on each team. The games are played on a sand court that is the same size as a volleyball court. The ball is yellow or another bright colour. In a Beach Volleyball match, the teams play three sets. When a team reaches 12 points and is ahead by at least 2 points, it wins the match.


The game was invented in1895 by an American YMCA instructor, William G. Morgan, who called it 'minionette'. He invented the game for people who found basketball too strenuous.

The name was changed in 1896. The game became very popular around the world because it was easy to organise, didn't need much equipment, and there were only a few rules. It could be played indoors and outdoors by a few people.

It is always a good idea to use more than one source of information, so here are some others for you to investigate

Read about how to play volleyball

Volleyball became an Olympic sport in 1964

Watch a video about Beach volleyball at the Olympic Games

Read the rules of volleyball