Farms are places where people grow things.
Some farms grow just one kind of thing.
Some grow just flowers or just fish.
Some even grow just Christmas trees!
Not all farms grow food. Other things are grown on farms. There are many special farms that grow particular things to sell.
Flower farms
Some farms are flower farms. The flowers you see in flower shops are all grown on special flower farms.
Rows of tulips in a flower farm
Getty Images
Some grow many different kinds of flowers and some grow just one or two kinds.
Seeds or bulbs are planted in fields or in special sheds.
The flowers are cut and put into bundles and taken to markets or shops for people to buy.
Flower farms sometimes sell flower bulbs and seeds so people can plant them in their gardens at home.
Basil is a herb used in cooking.
Herb farms
Some farms are herb farms. Herbs are plants that are useful. Some herbs are used in cooking, some are crushed so that the oil inside can be used in perfume or to rub onto your body.
A fish farm©Getty Images
Fish farms
There are fish farms that raise fish.
When the fish are big enough, some are put into lakes so that people can go fishing.
Some are sold to shops for people to buy.
Some fish farms sell fish eggs in jars so that people can eat them.
A yabby ©Getty Images
Some farms raise yabbies which are sold to restaurants or seafood shops
Read the kidcyber page about yabbies.
Some fish farms raise shellfish such as oysters or mussels. Large frames are built in the sea for the shellfish to grow on.
Watch a video about oyster farming
Teachers note: video is a bit technical for younger students. View first and be ready to explain as you go.
Christmas trees
Getty images
Christmas trees
There are even Christmas tree farms!
They grow the kind of trees that people decorate at Christmas time. Trees are cut in December and taken to places that sell Christmas trees.
At some farms, people can visit, choose a tree and cut it down themselves.
Alpaca Farms
Alpacas ©Getty Images
Spinning wool into yarn ©Getty Images
Alpacas are animals that grow long, soft wool.
On an alpaca farm, the farmers shear the animals and sell the wool, which is spun into yarn that is knitted or woven to make beautiful, warm clothing or blankets.