Vincent was priest of the Catholic Church who became dedicated to serving the poor. ©iStock

Vincent was priest of the Catholic Church who became dedicated to serving the poor. ©iStock

 Vincent de Paul (14 April 1581 - 27 September 1660)

Vincent was born in a small French village, Pouy, where he lived with his parents and his five brothers and sisters. After studying for the priesthood he was ordained (became a priest) when he was 19 years old. The year was 1600.

His first work as a priest was as a minister for a wealthy family, where was taught the children of a military general.

Later Vincent was sent to work as a chaplain in a poor neighbourhood. While here, he was working among the poor and was the priest to prisoners in galley ships. This work convinced Vincent that he would spend his life helping the disadvantaged and the powerless.

Galley ships were battleships that were rowed by people. Up to 550 rowers were needed to move the ship through the water. The rowers were slaves.

Later some of these galley ships were turned into prisons, where the prisoners were kept, chained, in dark cells.

Vincent urged his followers, when working with the poor to:

“Deal with the most urgent needs. Organise charity so that it is more efficient…teach reading and writing, educate with the aim of giving each (person) the means of self-support. Intervene with authorities to obtain reforms in structure… there is no charity without justice.”

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, protect the rights of those who are helpless.

A statue of Saint Vincent de Paul in St Andrew's Catholic Church in a village in France ©iStock

A statue of Saint Vincent de Paul in St Andrew's Catholic Church in a village in France ©iStock

He was canonised (made a saint) on 16 June 1737. In 1883, the Church designated him as the special patron of all charitable associations.

The St Vincent de Paul Society
was founded by a 20 year old student named Frederic Ozanam in 1833. The aim of the Society is to feed, clothe, house and assist those who are forced onto the margins of society.

Read more about Saint Vincent de Paul here