Your home is a special, safe place for you and your family.
Keeping the home safe is a job for everyone.
Remembering some rules will help keep everyone safe.
Accidents can happen in the home.
In the kitchen
The kitchen is one of the busiest rooms in the house. People prepare food using sharp utensils, hot water and electrical appliances. People need room to move when working in the kitchen.
Cooking appliances, such as the oven and the stove, become very hot when they are used. Touching them can cause a burn. Hot food and boiling liquids can cause a painful burn or a scald.
Turn handles to the side © Getty images
Turn saucepan handles to the side to prevent pots being knocked while on the stove.
Use an oven mitt or pot holder when handling pots and dishes containing hot food.
Turn the blade of a sharp knife away from you when washing or drying it.
Food safety
An oven mitt will protect hands while handling hot foods © Getty Images
Kitchen cleanliness is important to keep people safe from harmful bacteria that will make them sick.
Clean hands are needed while handling food. © Getty Images
Wash hands before handling food
Keep kitchen benches clean
Place rubbish and food scraps in bins outside the house
Clean up spills and food scraps to avoid attracting pest such as rats, mice and cockroaches
In the bathroom
Clean skin and hair will help keep you safe from diseases © Getty Images
The bathroom is the room where you take care of your personal hygiene. Maintaining personal hygiene is keeping your body clean and safe from disease.
Washing your body, your hair and cleaning your teeth are all part of personal hygiene.
Keep safe in the bathroom by using water carefully, especially hot water. It is best to turn on the cold tap first when filling the bath or taking a shower. Then turn on the hot tap and test the temperature of the water with your hand.
Test the temperature of the water before getting into the bath or shower © Getty images
Place a non-slip mat in the shower or bath to prevent slipping on wet surfaces.
A bath mat beside the bath or outside the shower is also a good idea to help avoid slips and falls
Electrical safety
It is important to be careful with electrical fixtures and appliances. Electricity is an invisible form of energy. It travels through wires to make appliances such as ovens, lights and televisions work. If electricity escapes from a cord, appliance or power point it can give you a shock. Electricity can also enter your body and cause electrocution. (death caused by electricity)
Overloaded power points can give you a shock and also cause fires © Getty Images
Unplug electrical appliances when they are not being used
Turn off appliances before unplugging them
Replace frayed and worn electrical cords
Overloaded power points can overheat and cause a fire.
It is always a good idea to use more than one source of information, so here are some others for you to investigate