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Snakes are reptiles that do not have legs.
They slither on the ground to move.
There are many kinds of snake in the world.
Snake scales. Getty Images
Snakes are covered with scaly skin.
Each year the skin comes off and there is new skin underneath.
Snakes live on the ground, in water, in trees, under the ground.
Snakes eat animals and birds.
This rattlesnake has venom. Getty Images
Some snakes put venom into an animal to kill it.
This python squeezes its prey. Getty Images
Some snakes squeeze an animal to kill it.
Most snakes do not hurt people but sometimes a person might get bitten.
Doctors have medicine to make people better after a snake bite.
Snake hatching from its egg. Getty Images
Most baby snakes hatch out of eggs.
reptile (say - rep-tie-l)
An animal that is covered in scales and needs to lie in the sun to warm its body.
venom (say - ven-um)
A poison that some snakes have to help them catch their food. The venom kills the animal so that the snake can eat it.