Getty images

Getty images

This is a giant panda.

It is a kind of bear.

Pandas live in forests on mountains in China.

Getty Images

Getty Images

A grown up giant panda lives by itself.

Pandas eat plants called bamboo.

They eat lots of bamboo each day.


This panda is having a nap in a tree. Getty Images

This panda is having a nap in a tree. Getty Images

Giant pandas can climb trees.

A newborn panda.  Getty Images.

A newborn panda.  Getty Images.

A panda is very tiny when it is born.

Its mother holds it carefully in her arms.

It stays in a den with its mother for a while.

Getty Images

Getty Images

There are not many giant pandas left in the wild.

The forests where they live are being cut down.


bamboo (say bam-boo)

  • A kind of grass that grows very tall.

Animal Allsorts, an animal alphabet:

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