What are community groups?

Community groups get started when a number of people in a community share the same interest and activity.

There can be many community groups in a community, and people can join many community groups.

A community group of people from India ©Getty Images

A community group of people from India ©Getty Images

Some community groups are people who came to live in this community from the same country overseas. They get together to help and support each other and to be able to talk in the language they spoke when they were children. The language we learn when we are very small is called our first language.  For many people, English is not their first language, but is the language they learned when they came to Australia to live. They gather to dance and sing the music of their homeland, and teach the children about the country their family came from.

For some, the community groups are because of age. Playgroups are gatherings of parents with very small children. The babies play together and the parents can share difficulties and help each other solve problems.

A community group of older people ©Getty Images

A community group of older people ©Getty Images

Older people get together in Senior Citizens' Centres for company and fun. They play cards, talk,  or go on outings together. They play bowls, listen to music or dance. 

Some community groups are part of larger groups. Scouts and Guides are groups in the community but are also part of Scouts and Guides all over the world. Both groups run activities that are fun and that teach children skills and help them become confident and good leaders. They do indoor activities as well as outdoor hikes and camps. Guides are girls from 6 years old. Scouts used to be just for boys but now include girls. Children 6-8 years old can become scouts called Joeys.

This lady is part of an art community group ©Getty Images

This lady is part of an art community group ©Getty Images

Some groups share music, singing or acting. They may put on music or singing concerts or plays in community halls and theatres, or perhaps in a town square or park. Other people in the community come along to enjoy the music or the show.

Book clubs are community groups. People choose a book and read it before meeting to talk about the book, the parts they liked or didn't like, the characters in the book, or how the book is written.  

Some groups are art and craft groups and members of the groups get together to paint pictures or to make things out of clay, metal, wool, fabric or other things.

Some groups are walking or climbing or skiing groups. They meet up and walk in a park or from one park to another. They may go to the mountains together to climb or ski. Some groups of  older people walk in a shopping mall where the ground is smooth and even, and they don't get too hot or too cold.

This community group go on hikes together ©Getty Images

This community group go on hikes together ©Getty Images

Some drive to the bush and walk through a bushland setting. This is called bushwalking or hiking.

On Clean Up Australia day people of all ages clean up parks and creeks ©Getty Images

On Clean Up Australia day people of all ages clean up parks and creeks ©Getty Images

Some community groups look after the environment. They clear rubbish and weeds from the sides of creeks and plant the trees and bushes that are meant to grow in the area.

Other community groups may start community gardens where members of the community can grow vegetables or flowers.

Some community gardens have a veggie market every month, where growers can sell what they have grown, and other members of the community can buy fresh vegetables. 

A community junior Australian Rules football club ©Getty Images

A community junior Australian Rules football club ©Getty Images

There are sporting and swimming groups, rowing or sailing groups, bike riding groups, running groups, sewing or knitting groups.  

There are as many different community groups as there interests, hobbies and activities.

What community groups are there in your community? Make a list.

Do you belong to a community group? Tell your class about them.

  It’s a good idea to get information from more than one source!

©Getty Images

©Getty Images

Watch a video about a Chinese community group that learns the lion dance and dragon dance and performs  in the streets for the whole community to share and enjoy:


Read other kidcyber pages about community: