
Pages are written with middle and upper primary school in mind, although some are written specifically for younger students, for example, pets, farm, celebrations, and community. 

Most pages include at the top a few simple sentences in large print for younger students, before the body of text written for older grades. Citation for bibliography appears on each page to assist students in this task.

The website provides:

  • Easy to understand text for student research, including material for primary school students Foundation-8.
  • Easy to navigate format
  • kidcyber WebQuests: student WebQuest assignments with links to information sites for research, project ideas, self-evaluation
  • kidcyber flipbooks as reading material for younger students  Go here for a link to The Three Bears
  • 'Ask a kidcyber Researcher' feature where students can request specific information about a topic
  • Advice to parents about helping with school homework assignments and projects

Teacher resources are located on our companion site, www.kidcyberteachers.com.au  where teacher resource materials are available for a small annual membership (because we need to earn a living too!) and everything on the site is available for download by members for 12 months.

kidcyberteachers membership is just $10 fer year for individuals and $25 for a school membership.

We welcome your feedback and requests for specific topic pages, for which we require a bit of notice.

Tell us what you like and what you need!  Contact  us@kidcyber.com.au