Good health is about fitness, being well and feeling good.
Eating good food will keep you fit and well
Exercise builds and strengthens your body and helps to keep it working well.
Why exercise?
When you exercise your muscles work hard which makes them grow and become stronger. Bones also become stronger when you exercise.
iStock/Getty image
Walking, cycling, swimming and playing all kinds of sports are good ways to exercise your body. Choose the ones you enjoy!
Different types of exercise strengthen the body in different ways.
Types of Exercise
Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise builds strong muscles. Aerobic exercise makes you breathe faster then normal. This makes your heart pump faster and your lungs work harder. As they are doing this they get stronger and healthier and better at doing their jobs.
Bike riding is a good aerobic exercise.
Image credit Chip Vincent, Unsplash
Swimming, basketball, jogging, walking quickly, inline skating, bike riding, skateboarding,and jumping rope are all forms of aerobic exercise.
Weight-bearing exercise
Weight-bearing exercise helps build strong, healthy bones. The weight of your body is carried by your feet and legs.
weight bearing exercises like this build strong bones. Getty Images
Walking, climbing stairs, hiking, skating and dancing are all weight- bearing exercises. So too are team sports such as soccer, baseball, Aussie Rules football and volleyball.
Exercise for a flexible body
Being flexible means being able to move your body comfortably. A fit person should be able to bend and stretch without their muscles hurting. Yoga, dancing, gymnasium, and martial arts such as judo and tae-kwon-do will all help you to keep flexible.
A healthy diet
The food/nutrition pyramid is a guide to help choose the best foods for health a fitness ©iStock
Eat the right food for fitness and good health
Your health depends on the foods you eat and the amount of exercise you do.
You can keep your body healthy by eating the right foods.
Remember to rest and relax
relaxation and rest are important for good health. Getty Images
Rest and relaxation are also important for a healthy body.
While you rest, your body recovers from the day's activity and gets itself ready for the next day. Your muscles, skin and bones grow and repair themselves as you sleep.
Rest during the day is also important. Sitting still and breathing deeply for a few moments at lunchtime and at recess times will help rest your body. After a break you will feel fresher and be able to go back to your work or play with more energy.
It’s a good idea to get information from more than one source!
Read about a healthy eating
Watch : What is a healthy diet and why is it important?