Firefighters put out fires.
Firefighters drive to a fire in trucks.
Firefighters save people from fires.
Firefighters now about first aid and can help people hurt by fire and smoke.
Firefighters help when there is a flood, a cyclone and other natural disasters.
When a fire is reported, the nearest fire stations are immediately alerted.
When the fire alarm sounds at the fire station, firefighters drive fire trucks to where a fire is burning. The fire trucks are always fully packed with equipment and are ready to go. Firefighters are always on standby ready to race to a fire.
Using hoses, the firefighters spray water or chemical foam onto the flames to put the fire out.
Foam is being sprayed to prevent a crashed vehicle from catching fire. ©Getty
Using ladders the firefighters rescue people from fires.
Firefighters also rescue people who are stranded or trapped in dangerous places. They can cut openings into buildings and into crashed cars so that they can free any people who are trapped inside.
Firefighters on top of a crane spraying water onto a burning roof. ©Getty Images
Firefighters help to prevent fires from starting by burning off grasses in forests.
Firefighters visit schools and other places to tell people about fire safety. They make sure that fire fighting equipment and alarms in your school are working properly.
A firefighter looking for anyone who may be inside the burning building.©Getty Images
Firefighters are trained to do their job. They learn how to:
fight and prevent fires
rescue people
use breathing apparatus and special equipment
Firefighters use radio and computers to communicate with each other and to get extra help.
Equipment must be checked and kept ready for an emergency, including the fire trucks. ©Getty Images
They wear uniforms, breathing apparatus and protective clothing when fighting a fire. They practise driving the fire truck, how to use the hoses and ladders every day.
All fire fighting equipment is checked each day to keep it clean and in good working order.
A helicopter water bombs a bushfire. ©Getty
Firefighters work in groups and there is always a firefighting group on duty. They live at the fire station so that they are always ready to help. Firefighters must be strong, brave and healthy.
Fire fighters study at colleges to learn how to prevent fires and how to put them fires. They learn how to use axes, chain saws, fire extinguishers, ladders, and other tools. They study local building codes and emergency medical procedures, such as first aid.
Know the emergency number for where you live. In Australia dial 000. It is a free emergency call.
Read about how fire trucks and equipment work: