The City of Hobart is the capital city of Tasmania, the island state of Australia.

Find Hobart on this map.

Find Hobart on this map.

The city covers an area of 936 square kilometres and is built on the Derwent River.

The city was officially named in 1804, after Lord Hobart who was the Secretary of State for the colonies in the British government.

The land had occupied for many thousands of years before European settlers arrived. The Nuenonne people lived on the land in the Hobart area. They made sea journeys to catch fish and hunt seals and birds. European whalers attacked the First Nations people and took away their women. In 1804 European settlement began and the Nuenonne people were forced off their lands. Many were killed in battles with settlers. Later, the Aboriginal people were convinced to move from the main island to Flinders Island in Bass Strait.

Modern Hobart at night. © iStock

Modern Hobart at night. © iStock

Older style building in Hobart

Older style building in Hobart

Today, the city is run by a city council, elected by the people of the city. A Lord Mayor leads the city council. The Parliament of Tasmania is in Hobart.

Hobart is the business centre for Tasmania and is a modern city of offices, theatres, cinemas and restaurants. There is a blend of older style buildings and new modern buildings and there are many parks and gardens. 

Thousands of tourist visit Hobart every year.

Salamanca markets on a Saturday in Hobart, is a popular place with tourists and sightseers. © iStock

Salamanca markets on a Saturday in Hobart, is a popular place with tourists and sightseers. © iStock

The Sydney to Hobart yacht race in an annual sporting event when a large fleet of sailing ships sails out of Sydney Harbour on 26 December.

Constitution Dock where boats in the Sydney to Hobart race dock. Mt Wellington is in the background. © iStock

Hobart’s Constitution Dock where boats in the Sydney to Hobart race dock. Mt Wellington is in the background. © iStock

The weather in Hobart

The weather is temperate, which means that it is rarely very hot or very cold. During the summer the average temperature is about 22C but the temperature can reach 30C. In winter the average temperature is about 12C and snow falls on the mountains and hills near the city. 

A short timeline of European settlement and development 1803 – 2002


Lieutenant Bowen established a colony of 39 people at Risdon Cove. 24 were convicts.


Lieutenenant Colonel David Collins brings more people from New South Wales. He moves the settlement to Hobart for better water supply.


The first free settlers arrive.


Hobart becomes the first city to have electric powered trams and trolley buses


Governor Macquarie (of NSW) visits and plans the town. He names Macquarie Street after himself!


Work begins on the Botanic Gardens


Australia's oldest brewery established. 'Cascade'


Van Diemans Land (not called Tasmania yet!) made a separate colony.


A road links Hobart and Launceston


Tabletop Mountain renamed Mount Wellington


Theatre Royal opened. It is the oldest surviving theatre in Australia.


Hobart Town made a city


Colony renamed Tasmania after Abel Tasman who discovered the island.


A floating bridge (The Hobart Bridge) opened across the Derwent


Tasman Bridge opened


First legal casino in Australia opens in Hobart


A ship strikes the Tasman Bridge. It is 2 years before it is opened again.


6 houses and over 3,000 hectares of land in the Hobart area were destroyed by fire on 17 January


Federation Concert Hall was opened on 4 September


The Museum of Old and New Art, (MONA) opens and becomes a popular tourist destination.

Tasmanian devil. ©Getty Images

Tasmanian devil. ©Getty Images

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Read the kidcyber page about the national capital city of Australia


Read kidcyber pages about the other state capital cities of Australia